The Artificial Inventor Project


For Press Inquiries, please contact:


The New York Times. ” Can AI invent ?” July 15, 2023.

Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property – Part I: Patents, Innovation, and Competition, Senate Hearing.

The Wall Street Journal. “Can an AI System Be Given a Patent?”. Jared Council. October 11, 2019

Financial Times. Patent agencies challenged to accept AI inventor. Martin Coulter. August 1, 2019.

The Parliamentary Review. Academics file first patents for inventions created by AI . George Salmon. August 9 2019

A.J. Willingham, “Artificial Intelligence Can’t Technically Invent Things, Say Patent Office,” CNN Thursday, April 30, 2020

BBC News. AI system ‘should be recognised as inventor’. Leo Kelion. 1 August 2019.

Stuart Corner, “If you want a patent, it helps to be human” Innovation Aus, March 23,2021

DABUS follow up

Steve L. Thaler, “DABUS in a Nutshell,” APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Spring 2020) pp. 35-38

Imagination Engines, “What is DABUS?” (Visited May 12, 2020)

Ryan Abbott, “The Artificial Inventor Project,” WIPO Magazine (December 2019)

Richard Kennedy, “Patenting Artificial Intelligence: a European Patent Office Perspective,” Venner Shipley LLP, AIPLA Electronic and Computer Law Summit, Minneapolis, May 2, 2019

Gareth Jones, “How AI is Set to Disrupt Pharma IP Business Models,” IAM Magazine, BenevolentAI May 1, 2020

Charlotte Kilpatrick, “EPO Decision Creates AI Inventorship Uncertainty,”  Patenting Strategy, February 13, 2020

Charlotte Kilpatrick, “AI inventorship denial not surprising but is step towards change,” Patenting Strategy, January 15, 2020

“Interview with Gareth Jones, the Vice President of IP at BenevolentAI” YouTube (Ahead of IAM’s Pharma & Biotech IP 2020 conference, Adam Houldsworth, IAM’s life sciences reporter, caught up with Gareth Jones, the Vice President of IP at BenevolentAI and a speaker at the event.) January 7, 2020

Other Media


“Patent applications listing AI as an inventor run into legal problems”,Katrina Megget, February 2, 2021

AI Inventorship – the DABUS conundrum, Chavah Apfelhaum, March 25, 2021

Marshall, Gerstein & Borun LLP, Can An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Be An Inventor? Ryan N. Phelan, March 26 2021

What do an AI machine and a monkey have in common? DABUS challenges current legal principles on inventorship, Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick, March 12 2021

Simmons & Simmons, Court of Appeal to consider if AI system can be a patent inventor, January 18 2021

World IP Review, The end of the DABUS affair? Mauricio Uribe, April 12 2021

JD Supra, Judge signals that artificial intelligence cannot be named as an inventor in the United States, David Brzozowski, Celine Jimenez Crowson, Hogan Lovells, April 9 2021

Patent Blog, Artificial Intelligence: Where is Human After All? Matthieu Dhenne, March 29 2021, The Case for AI as Named Inventors, Scott Graham, March 26 2021

Managing IP, First thoughts: UKIPO makes bold call on AI inventorship, Ed Conlon, March 25 2021

The Drum, Can an AI own a patent? A new legal drama will decide, Jeff Schulz, April 14 2021

Spruson & Ferguson, An AI inventor Odyssey, Ryan Boe, Match 4 2021

OUP Blog, Do we need artificial inventors? Martin Stierle, April 30 2021

Patent pending: the law on AI inventorship, Laura Adde, Joel Smith, March 8 2021

D Young & Co, AI (part two): inventorship and ownership, Doug Ealey, June 29 2021

Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Patentability of AI-generated inventions in Australia,Frances Wheelahan, David Fixler, Suman Reddy, Patrick Keane, April 15 2021

INTA, Are AI-Generated Inventions the Future? Natasha Rao, February 17 2021

BeckGreener, DABUS out of the running for inventor’s rights – no leg to stand on? Avi Freeman & Thomas Dickson, March 2021

The IP Brief, The future of invention: should artificial intelligence be considered inventors? Daniel Lass, April 16 2021

Macquarie University, Machines can’t invent, says the law, but at what cost to progress? Sarah Maguire, March 10 2021

Herbert Smith Freehills, Change ahead? UKIPO publishes outcome of AI consultation and considers legislative reform, Rachel Montagnon & Laura Adde, April 7 2021

Kisch IP, Artificial intelligence created inventions, patentable or not? Jacques Steyn, June 21 2021

Baker Brettell, Can an AI be an inventor? Richard Abel, January 14 2021

Sifted, Are AI-generated inventions patentable? Andreas Leupold, March 25 2021

Gibson Dunn, IP updates. April 23 2021

Dentons, Evolution of IP protection for artificial intelligence in France, Loïc Lemercier, March 29 2021

Biz Journals, Unanswered Questions: Who owns the patent when an algorithm discovers a drug? Susan Krumplitsch, March 28 2021

Patentology, DABUS Denied Down Under – Australian Patent Office Formally Rejects AI Inventor, Mark Summerfield, February 26 2021

Long and Associates, AI Creations: Who Owns Them? Ryan E. Long, May 26 2021

Aju Business Daily, AI’s failed attempt to win patent rights sparks awareness of legal preparations, Lim Chang-won, June 4 2021

IP Watchdog, NSCAI Final Report: United States Must Up Its IP Game to Win the AI Race, Jennifer Maisel, March 11 2021

Fox Rothschild, Can AI Invent? Robert J. Sacco, March 1 2021

BioSlice Blog, AI and IP: Implications for digital health from possible reforms to UK IP law, Dr Beatriz San Martin & Shishu Chen, June 29 2021

Baker McKenzie, Solving the DABUS problem, Bradford Newman, June 30 2021

Kaufhold Patent Group, The US Patent Office Rules That Inventors Must Be Human, Sean Kaufhold, June 18 2021

Calldwell, Artificial Intelligence and Patents:  Inventing Inventors, February 24 2021, Artificial intelligence call for views: patents, March 23 2021

Cyber Law blog Stanford, AI creations: legally protected? Ryan Long, April 20 2021

Mission De Reya, Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: Will the UK be at the forefront of the revolution? April 14 2021

Nixon Peabody, Do AI machines qualify as inventors? Daniel Schwartz, April 9 2021

HGF, AI solution to Levinthal’s paradox, Eleanor Purnell & Dr Andrew McGettrick, March 2021

Data Robot, Humans and AI: Should We Describe AI as Autonomous? Colin Priest, March 10 2021

Kilburn Strode, Me, myself & AI – an interview with Professor Ryan Abbott, March 1 2021

Deris Legal, Inventorship of Inventions Made Using Artificial Intelligence, Elif Kayral M.N & Aydın Deriş, March 16 2021

ACC Docket, Aliens and Big Brother: Artificial Intelligence Developments in the United Kingdom, Mathew Costelloe, February 1 2021

American University, BLR Buzz Blog, Thaler v. Iancu: the fight to classify machines as inventors, Adam Wasinger, February 28 2021.

Dundas Lawyers, Can artificial intelligence be the inventor of a patent? March 17 2021

4IP Council, The unchartered path of patenting AI in the US, Marc v. Richards & Scott Ilhwan Yoo, February 9 2021

Imagination Engines Inc, The Recent Leap from Conscious to Sentient Machines, March 25 2021

HKIPX AI as inventor? Korean Intellectual Property Office rejects first application for AI invention, June 3 2021

The IP Center, Patent Applications Limited to Human Inventors, not SkyNet, March 26 2021

Intectica Group, Attack of machines, Elena, April 23 2021

Legal Cheek, How Brunelleschi’s boat is shaping the future of AI, William Holmes, March 10 2021

IP lens, A proposal for (AI) change? A succinct overview of the Proposal for Regulation laying down harmonised rules on Artificial Intelligence, May 11 2021


JUVE Patent, UK High Court rejects idea of invention by AI system Dabus, Amy Sandys, October 9 2020

Patent Docs, “Creativity Machine” Cannot Be Named As Inventor, Donald Zuhn, August 18 2020

Med-Tech Innovation .How an AI patent application could affect life sciences. Ian Bolland August 21, 2019 The Recorder. Can AIs Hold Patents ? Experts Answer USPTO’S Questions About Artificial Intelligence. August 29, 2019

When AI Invents, Thorny Questions Follow For Patent Law. August 12, 2019

Tech Xplore. Two AI-led inventions poke at future of patent law. Nancy Cohen. August 5, 2019

Information Age. Can an AI system invent? Does the tech have the intellectual right? August 12, 2019

MIT Technology Review. ‘L’IA può brevettare un’invenzione? Ancora no’. Angela Chen .January 9th 2020.

MIT Technology Review.In English. ‘Can an AI be an inventor? Not yet’ Angela Chen .January 9 2020.

MIT Technology Review . ‘El caso de la IA que intentó patentar dos inventos en su nombre’ Angela Chen. January 13 2020.

Vice. ‘Artificial Intelligence cannot be inventors, US Patent Office rules’. Samantha Cole. April 28 2020.

AI News. ‘US Patent Office: AIs cannot be credited as inventors’. Ryan Daws. April 30 2020.

The Detroit News. ‘Artificial Intelligence raises question of who’s an inventor’ . Susan Decker & Dina Bass .February 18 2020.

The Jakarta Post. ‘Edison, Morse…Watson? AI poses test of who’s an inventor’. Susan Decker & Dina Bass. February 19 2020.

Corriere della Sera. ‘Macchine che inventano altre machine (ma non le brevettano)’.Giuliana Ferraino. August 01 2019.

Wired Italy. ‘Viviamo già nell’era dei robot inventori’. Alessio Foderi. February 19 2020.

Simonsen Vogtwiig. ‘Can AI be considered the inventor of a patent?’. Haakon Foyen & Cecilia Orheim.February 18 2020.

Morgan Lewis. ‘USPTO refuses to recognize AI inventorship, but policy questions linger’ .Andrew J. Gray IV & Jacob J.O. Minne May 19 2020.

Law Street. ‘USPTO rules that AI cannot invent patents’ Carter Holland .May 4 2020.

Intepat. ‘Puede una IA ser reconocida como inventor y poseer una patente?’. Tanya Janghel.January 2019.

Justiça Federal TRF 2ª Região, ‘Emarf promove palestra “Inteligência Artificial e Direito” no CCJF, dia 6/12’ TRF 2ª Região, December 04 2019.

Patent Strategy. ‘EPO decision creates AI inventorship uncertainty’. Charlotte Kilpatrick .February 13 2020.

IAM.‘We need answers on AI and inventorship – and soon, says DABUS pioneer’. Richard Lloyd.12 May 2020.

The Next Web. ‘Why AI systems should be recognized as inventors’.Thomas Macaulay. February 17 2020.

Agenda Digitale.‘Brevetti intelligenza artificiale, che fare dopo il “niet” dell’Uficio brevetti UE’.Marco Martorana & Lucas Pinelli.28 January 2020.

The Patent Lawyer Magazine. ‘First-ever patent applications filed for inventions generated solely by AI’. The Patent Lawyer Magazine .

The Verge. ‘US Patent Office rules that artificial intelligence cannot be a legal inventor’. John Porter. April 29 2020.

The Register .‘I’m doing this to stop humans ripping off brilliant ideas by computers and aliens, says guy unsuccessfully filing patents ‘invented’ by his AI’ . Katyanna Quach .April 29 2020.

AEI .‘The case for allowing machines to patent inventions’.Michael Rosen February 24 2020.

Canal Tech. ‘Cientistas defendem que IA seja registrada como inventor em patente’ .Rafael Rodrigues Da Silva .August 2 2019.

Universidad Externado de Colombia .‘Un sistema de inteligencia artificial puede ser reconocido como inventor?’ (Departamento de Derecho Informatico)  Brenda Salas. August 27 2019.

Quo .‘Rechazan la patente de un invento creado por una inteligencia artificial’ .Tess H Santacreu. May 7 2020.

Marks & Clerk. ‘How do we afford patent protection when novel ideas are created by artificial intelligence? Jonathan Solomon.’ August 16 2019.

Start Magazine. ‘Perché secondo la legge Usa l’intelligenza artificiale non può possedere brevetti’.Alessandro Sperandio. May 9 2020.

Transformação Digital, ‘Sistemas de IA podem ser considerados inventores?’ Transformação Digital, Aug 26 2019.

ALTERNATIVE UK, THE. ‘Can creative, originality-generating AIs be our partners in saving the world?’ (The Alternative UK, Sep 23 2019).

AUTOMATION.COM. ‘University of Surrey team announces applications filed for inventions generated solely by artificial intelligence’ (, Aug 02 2019).

BHATIA, RICHA. ‘Should AI Be Allowed To Get Patents? How Can Indian Companies Protect Their Inventions?’ (Analytics India Magazine, Jun 13 2018)

BITPORT. ‘Lezárult az utóbbi évek legfurcsább szabadalmi ügye’ (Bitport, Jan 09 2020)

BLACK, Diego. ‘Can an AI system invent? Does the tech have the intellectual right?’ (Information Age, Aug 12 2019).

BOLLAND, Ian. ‘How an AI patent application could affect life sciences’ (Med-Tech Innovation, Aug 21 2019).

BOURNE, James. ‘AI should be recognised as inventor, team insists’ (AINews, Aug 02 2019).

BOZTAS, Senay. ‘Five ways to resist the seductive allure of pointless technology’ (The Guardian Labs, Oct 19 2019).

CHEN, Angela. ‘Can an AI be an inventor? Not yet’ (MIT Technology Review, Jan 8 2020). [Also shared by the Singularity Hub (Jan 11 2020) ]

CIMINO, Valentin. ‘L’Office européen des brevets rejette deux demandes dont l’inventeur était une intelligence artificielle’ (SiecleDigital, Jan 04 2020).

COHEN, Nancy. ‘Two AI-led inventions poke at future of patent law’ (Tech Xplore, Aug 5 2019).

COULTER, Martin. ‘Patent agencies challenged to accept AI inventor’ (Financial Times, Aug 01 2019).

COULTER, Martin. ‘Campaigners launch legal challenge after AI inventor rejected’ (Business Insider, Jan 04 2020).

DAVIS, Ryan. ‘When AI invents, thorny questions follow for patent law’ (Law360, Aug 12 2019).

DENIS, Toni. ‘UK Researchers File Patent Created by AI’ (Seeflection, 12 Aug 2019).

DENNEMEYER & ASSOCIATES. ‘Can artificial intelligence systems patent their inventions?’ (Dennemeyer IP Blog, Nov 22 2019).

DINES, Tom. ‘A patent predicament: who owns an AI-generated invention?’ (Financial Times, October 07 2019).

EASEN, Nick. ‘Rights for robots: why we need better AI regulation’ (Racounteur, Oct 16 2019)

E&T Editorial Staff. ‘World-first patent application filed for AI inventor’s ideas’ (E&T, Aug 01 2019).

ELLENOFF GROSSMAN & SCHOLE LLP. ‘Artificial Intelligence Systems Are Not Inventors… Yet.’ (ELLENOFF GROSSMAN & SCHOLE LLP, Aug 28 2019).

FITZGERALD, N.; MARTYN, E.; CHRISTIAN, C. ‘A deep dive into patentability of AI, ownership and entitlement to AI-created inventions’ (Ashurst, Nov 21 2019).

FORD, Benjamin. ‘Artificial Intelligence Inventor Asks If ‘WHO’ Can Be an Inventor Is the Wrong Question?’ (IP Watchdog, Aug 05 2019).

GRAHAM, Scott. ‘Can AIs Hold Patents? Experts Answer USPTO’s Questions About Artificial Intelligence’ ( TheRecorder, Aug 29 2019).

GUNER, SULE. ‘Ownership dilemma: Who owns the products produced by AI?’ (Daily Sabah, Sep 19 2019).

HAMBLEN, Matt. ‘Team seeks patents for inventions created by DABUS, an AI’ (FierceElectronics, Aug 01 2019).

HANDSOME I.P. ‘Artificial Intelligence Systems as Inventors?’ (Handsome I.P., Aug 02 2019).

JONES DAY TALKS. ‘When AI invents: two applications test U.S. patent law’ (Jones Day Talks, Oct 24 2019).

KELION, Leo. ‘AI system ‘should be recognised as inventor’’ (BBC, Aug 01 2019).

KENNEDY, R.; MOSS, J. ‘AI Inventorship’ (Venner Shipley, Nov 29 2019).

KIRKINIS, Tess. ‘Can artificial intelligence own a patent?’ (Allens Operators, Oct 24 2019).

LOCKER, Melissa. ‘Can a robot be an inventor? A new patent filing aims to find out’ (Fast Company, Aug 08 2019).

MASNICK, Mike. ‘EU Patent Office Rejects Two Patent Applications In Which An AI Was Designated As The Inventor’ (TechDirt, Jan 03 2020).

O’NEILL, Rory. ‘Researchers file patents with AI as sole inventor’ (World Intellectual Property Review, Aug 02 2019).

OSBORNE, Charlie. ‘Europe rejects patent applications signed with AI inventor’ (ZDNet, 03 Jan 2020).

OSBORNE, Charlie. ‘Pour l’Office européen des brevets l’IA ne peut déposer de demandes de brevets’ (ZDNet, 04 Jan 2020).

PHILLIPS, Tom. ‘LSPN Europe: AIs should be named inventors, argues Dabus professor’ (LSIPR, Nov 21 2019).

PHILLIPS & LEIGH. ‘Making A Monkey Out Of Inventorship The Question Of Non-Human Inventors Raises A Number Of Dilemmas’ (Mondaq, Sep 26 2019).

POWNALL, Augusta. ‘First patent applications filed for designs created by AI’ (Dezeen, Aug 01 2019).

RICOTTA, Francesco. ‘Brevetti – Quando l’inventore è un’intelligenza artificiale’ (Lexology, Sep 19 2019).

RICOTTA, Francesco. ‘Patents – When artificial intelligence authors the invention’ (Lexology, Oct 30 2019).

ROTMAN, David. ‘Should we tax robots? A debate.’ (MIT Technology Review, Jun 12 2019).

ROBITZSKI, Dan. ‘Scientists Are Trying to List AI as the Inventor on a New Patent’ (Futurism, Aug 02 2019).

RUDE BAGUETTE (the editors). ‘Non, une IA ne peut pas (encore?) déposer de brevet valable’ (Rude Baguette, Jan 13 2020).

SALMON, George. ‘Academics file first patents for inventions created by AI’ (The Parliament Review, Aug 09 2019).

SOLOMON, Jonathan. ‘How do we afford patent protection when novel ideas are created by artificial intelligence?’ (Marks & Clerk, Aug 16 2019).

SOMMERS, Meredith. ‘The case for taxing robots — or not’ (MIT Management Sloan School, Jun 14 2019).

STUDER, Xavier. ‘High-tech: après l’intelligence artificielle, voici l’inventeur artificiel!’ (Le blog high-tech & telecom de Xavier Studer Société de l’information et multimédia en Suisse, Jan 18 2020).

SUNDAY TIMES, The. ‘First patents filed for inventions created by artificial intelligence’ (The Sunday Times, August 02 2019).

TANNA, Shreyas. ‘What do innovations by machine using AI mean for the patent law?’ (IT Technology News 24, Aug 13 2019).

THOMSEN, Michael. ‘European Patent Office says only humans can be inventors as it rejects applications for beverage holder and signalling device created by artificial intelligence’ (Daily Mail, Jan 03 2020).

VOLLANDT, J.B. ‘EU’s patentkontor afviser: En AI kan ikke eje en opfindelse’ (Ing/Version2, Jan 07 2020).

WALTERS, Max. ‘In-House Intrigue over UK AI-Inventor Guidelines’ (Managing Intellectual Property, Nov 06 2019).

WILSON, Lloyd J. ‘The Future Is Now: Patenting Inventions Independently Invented by an AI system’ (HRFM, Oct 17 2019).

WINCHESTER, Jamie. ‘Academics Defend AI’s Right to Patent’ (ServiceTeamIT, Nov 01 2019).

WODECKI, Ben. ‘University of Surrey professor files first-ever patent applications created by AI’ (IPPro Magazine, Aug 01 2019).

WOOLLACOTT, Emma. ‘European Patent Office Rejects World’s First AI Inventor’ (Forbes, Jan 03 2020).

YOUNG, J.; ELLMORE, D. ‘Dawn Ellmore on the world’s first patent applications for AI-designed inventions’ (SWNS, Sep 11 2019). Available at:

‘The idea of a ‘robot tax’ is gaining steam as a way of dealing with automation that’s killing jobs’ (Business Insider, Jan 09 2020).
